A Clockwork Partner Providing Candidate Assessments Services
Evaluate A Candidate’s Real Potential
Your search firm and your client’s business is unique and your talent solutions should be too. Make sure you are selecting the right people for the right roles with McQuaig's pre-hire assessment solutions. Our scientifically validated talent assessments allow you to benchmark a role, identify alignment and behavioral fit for a placement, predict the future success of an executive and increase retention rates for your clients.
Take the Cost of Uncertainty and Bias Out of the Search Process
Every company should have a dedicated workforce that meets the needs of their positions and drives the success and growth of their organization forward. McQuaig’s mission is to help companies hire, develop, and retain employees through targeted solutions using scientific assessments that examine personality, cognitive, and behavioural attributes all with dedicated customer support. By combining technology and research, our unique assessment tools can provide deeper insight into a candidate that allows clients and search firms to make the most informed decision.
What Makes McQuaig Solutions Unique?
Take the guesswork out of hiring with McQuaig in your search firm’s corner.