Clockwork has the most complete feature set dedicated to Executive Search Projects.
Give clients insight into your search process, and reduce your team's workload.
A single place for you to showcase your work. Learn more about collaboration.
Invite clients or stakeholders to review longlists online.
Put your Brand first in all email communications with your clients and stakeholders.
Keep your search on track and enable clients to provide valuable feedback through the Mobile App.
Instant search and candidate status updates visible at any time.
Report to your clients or stakeholders on Diversity & Inclusion metrics.
Share and present search project details that showcase your firm's brand and expertise.
Connect Gmail and Outlook, sync calendars and edit documents in your shared drive directly in Clockwork.
Improve communication within your team and get everyone on the same page.
Establish and share research criteria upfront to save time.
Leave internal notes on candidates to share information with the team in one place.
Performance metrics across the entire team, organized by project.
Grant project access to external recruiters.
Evaluate candidates and how they measure up with the job description and criteria.
Share email templates and streamline outreach.
Track activities and outreach by the team.
Remain productive and focused out-of-pocket with a feature-rich and user-friendly Mobile App.
Save time by leveraging your data.
Leverage your database using advanced criteria and boolean search filters.
Unlimited projects can be used for search projects, candidate outreach, and business development.
Use Bulk Resume Upload and Parsing or 3rd party data sources to quickly add contacts.
Edit fields on a multitude of candidates in seconds.
Track a candidate's status as they progress through the search.
Use Candidate Portal, email templates and custom fields to implement and manage your privacy policies and process.
Track and monitor relationships between people.
Automatically update your company and people data in just one click. Have the most accurate data in real-time.
Sort and tag candidates and projects with tags specific to your search process.
Set up fields and values to match your unique search process, including skills, gender, region and more.
Use out BCC email tool or our email integration to capture all correspondence.
Track interactions on bulk email sends.
Create public job post pages and submit interest forms.
Connect and leverage other tools your firm uses.
Develop custom solutions to your firm's unique concerns using the Clockwork public API.
Leverage your past work and contacts to find new opportunities.
Powerful CRM lets you track and leverage your relationships with your contacts.
Monitor your deals with current clients in your deals pipeline.
Customize and send emails in bulk to contacts.
Document contract terms with clients.
Built specifically for Executive Search, on the latest technology.
Never worry about a forgotten password again, SSO enables one set of credentials for a faster and more secure log-in.
Our Mobile App is optimized for mobile devices and verified and vetted by third-party App Stores such as Apple.
SOC2 certification verifies our software's security, integrity, confidentiality, privacy and more.
Remain compliant with data privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, and CASL with built-in safeguards and protection.