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A Clockwork Partner Providing Recruiting and Hiring Services

About ZipRecruiter

Executive Search firms use ZipRecruiter to hire Researchers and Associates for growing your executive search team, and to source candidates for building out manager-level internal teams underneath a placed candidate for a Client.

Hiring For Your Executive Search Firm and Team. Find your next Researcher, Associate or Recruiter level hire to grow your executive search team with ZipRecruiter. With 50,000 active candidates in the recruitment function, ZipRecruiter will send your position to over 100+ job sites, match candidates to your skill requirements and learn from your feedback to find similarly matched candidates for you.

Source Candidates Fast For Building Manager-Level Teams For A Placed Candidate. Sometimes, Clients ask executive search firms to finish building a complete team that will support a successfully placed candidate. An executive search firm already knows your candidate and your company culture and can leverage all of this for finding the best talent.

  • Send Your Job to Top Sites with One Click. Customizable templates make it easy to write your job description for hiring a recruiter or an associate, or building out lower level teams. Then, with just one click, we send your job out to 100+ top job sites.
  • Get Instant Matches. ZipRecruiter's powerful matching technology scans thousands of resumes to find candidates with the right skills, education, and experience for your job — then actively invites them to apply.
  • Invite to Apply. Automatically send a pre-written, personal message to your favorite candidates — so they’re more likely to apply to your job.
  • Receive Great Candidates. Our smart, easy-to-use dashboard helps you sort, review, and rate your candidates. We learn from your ratings and send you similar applicants to the ones you liked.

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